
Did you know that your skin is the largest organ in your body? Getting that healthy skin entails a lot more than spending money on facials and expensive skin care products. Your overall diet and lifestyle are also important factors in maintaining healthy and vibrant skin.

Lucy Staves | Blog | Energy Medicine | Reflexology

Reflexology is the study of reflexes. A Reflexology treatment is a natural therapy that is based on the principle that there are reflexes in the hand and feet that map to other parts, glands, and organs of the body. Since the skin is the largest organ in the body, Reflexology is the perfect complementary therapy to help keep it healthy and vibrant.

Lyne Desforges | Blog | Naturopathic Medicine

Inflammation is a popular word in the wellness industry, however its overuse may have given the wrong impression about its purpose. Being inflamed is not always a bad thing. It can mean that the body is working normally to fight off pathogens and infections. The problem occurs when you are in a constant inflammatory state.

Nourishing Your Spiritual Side: 5 Ways to Connect With Your SoulBy Helen Kwon, Reiki Master & Intuitive Healer and Lyne Desforges, Registered Holistic Nutritionist & Culinary Expert

Your Spiritual Side

In the wellness industry, we often refer to healing and treating in terms of three aspects: the body, the mind, and the spirit. Most people know what they need to do to nourish their body and mind (exercise, sleep, healthy foods, mental activities, etc.). But what about your spirit? What about your soul?

For some people, the thought of connecting with their soul may seem like a daunting process and outright scary, but it doesn’t have to be. We all have within us, the ability to connect with our soul and lift our spirit on a daily basis. 

During this time of physical distancing, where we long for more connection with others, we tend to overlook the most important connection of all, and that is with ourselves, our own soul. What are you doing on a regular basis to nourish your spiritual side? Here are some of favourite ways to nourish our soul and spirit.



Meditation not only gives you the opportunity to be aware of the present moment, it also helps to connect with your spirit. By being in the stillness of your breath, you begin to experience your soul’s calling, dissolving any judgements or attachments to your thoughts and emotions. You become an observer of our own experience and allow the callings of your spirit to express your true self.

How to get started:
If you are new to meditation, consider doing some guided meditations to start. Whether you use an app such as Calm or Headspace, or join us on Wednesdays for Helen’s meditations, or use one of Danika’s pre-recorded meditations on our website, taking the time to meditate has enormous benefits
Set aside 10 minutes in your day (preferably first thing in the morning) for your meditation. Find a quiet and comfortable place in your home. Then just sit quietly and breathe.



Journaling is a great way to connect with your spirit by using the power of writing to uncover your soul’s wisdom. It gives you the opportunity to get to know yourself on a deeper level and it gives you permission to express who you are, without any judgement. Just journalling for 5-minutes a day can connect you with your spiritual side.

How to get started:
All you need is a notebook and a pen. Then set some time each day for your journalling (possibly before or after your meditation). Jot down how you feel, what you are grateful for, what you want to let go of, or anything else that is on your mind. By practising journaling, especially gratitude journaling every day, you will feel a shift in your soul as it expands and finds calm and peace. If you need some guidance in your writing, you can find some journals that have questions to guide you as well as some positive affirmations. The Five-Minute Journal is one of our favourites.



There are a lot of misconceptions around yoga. Many people think that it is all about moving your body into all kinds of twisted poses. But yoga is much more than that. It is about connecting with your breath. Practicing Yoga gives you a chance to connect with your soul by aligning your whole being, physically, mentally and spiritually. It helps to release and move energy to improve the flow of the life force within you. Not only does yoga help with improving a myriad of health issues, it also brings you into awareness of the present moment.

How to get started:
You will need a yoga mat. The quality and thickness will vary according to your needs and budget. Having some yoga blocks and a yoga strap may be helpful as well. Many studios or yoga teacher will offer a free class if you want to try it out. Find a style that works for you and a yoga teacher that you can connect with. Most classes can be adapted to all levels. Here are some of our favourite yoga teachers who are offering online classes. Feel free to email them to learn more: Top of Mind Yoga (Sonja Tessari), Move (Sue Abell), WoW Powerwalking (Lee Scott). 



Music is food for the soul. And we are not just talking about soul music! Whether you dance, sing, play an instrument or just listen to it, music ignites your spirit in an instant and helps to release the stresses of the day. Music has the power to lift you up and bring back wonderful memories. It also helps us to feel grounded in ourselves and fills us with hope and inspiration. Sing your lungs out or put on your dancing shoes and boogie on down! Your spirit will thank you!

How to get started:
Download the Spotify app and start building your own library of music for the soul. Make various playlist for your various moods. You can even make your own meditation playlist. Certain sounds and rhythms are actually conducive to introspection, soul-searching, and spirit lifting. You can find many on YouTube. Here is one that Helen uses for her meditation classes.



Being immersed in nature gives us the opportunity to slow down and to tune into the world around us. It brings us to an awareness that we are all connected and interdependent. Nature helps us get to the core essence of who we are on a spiritual level and that can really help ground us. Much research has been done on the benefits of forest bathing and its ability to nourish our physical, mental and spiritual selves.

How to get started:
Find some green spaces near your home. A park, a forest, or a trail. If you have a car, consider driving to an area that might be more quiet and further from the city. Wear some comfortable shoes. Once in your natural surroundings, take deep breaths and engage all your senses. Appreciate the beauty that surrounds you. Stay in the present moment and notice how you feel before, during and after your time in nature. If you can, consider walking barefoot for a short period of time to really ground yourself. Hug a tree for a few seconds and feel its life force. Your spirit will thank you!

Get into the spirit of things

Take some time today to think about ways that your soul and spirit feel nourished and connected. If you are not sure, how about starting to integrate some of the suggestions above. Print our fun infographic and post it on your fridge to remind you to nourish your spiritual side every day. Maybe you start with one meditation a day for a week, then you can add another practice. If you need help nourishing your soul, consider a reiki session with Helen, our reiki master and intuitive healer. She can guide you on a path to fully embrace your spiritual side.

By Lyne Desforges, Holistic Nutritionist & Culinary Expert

Making Sea Moss Gel

I love when my kitchen becomes a nutrition lab as I experiment with new foods, new ingredients, and new recipes. I had heard about adding Sea Moss (also know as Irish Moss or red algae) to homemade nut milk as a natural thickener so I finally ordered some and learned how to work with it.

After doing some research, I also found out that sea moss has many health benefits, especially as a soothing and healing treatment for any mucous membrane in the body, especially the gut. What a bonus!

Here are 5 simple and easy steps to make sea moss gel.

Step 1: Rinse Well

Remove from the packaging and place in a colander. Rinse under cold water to get any excess salt or debris out. 

Step 2 – Soak In Water

Take a large bowl, add the sea moss and cover in lots of pure filtered water. Note that the sea moss will expand so you may need to add more water. You can add the juice from half a lime to the water. It will help take away the fishy taste and smell. Let soak overnight. 

Step 3-Rinse Again

Drain the sea moss in a large colander and rinse again under cold water. Swish it around until everything has been evenly rinsed. You will notice that the colour may have whitened a bit after the soaking. That is totally fine.

Step 4 – Boil Gently (optional)

Take out a large saucepan and add a bit of pure filtered water to the pan. Bring to a gentle boil. Add the sea moss and reduce the heat to just below boiling. There should be enough water in the pan to just cover the sea moss but not drown it completely. Heat gently on medium-low for 20-25 minutes. You can add more lime or lemon juice to the pot again. You can even add the juiced-out lime halves (as shown in the photo). The sea moss will start to really soften and thicken. It is almost completely white at this point.

Note: You can omit this step and just blend the raw soaked sea moss with pure filtered water in your blender. Using a ratio of 2 cups water to 1 cup of sea moss should work.

Step 5 – Blend It

Turn off the heat. Let cool a few minutes. Pour the whole contents of your saucepan in your blender. Start blending on medium-high speed. It should form a thick homogenous liquid. Pour into clean Mason jars and let cool. Then add the lids and refrigerate until ready to use.

Use It in Homemade Nut Milk

Once cooled completely, you should have a nice thick gel that you can add to your homemade nut milks, smoothies, soups, stews, drinks, or even personal care products. More recipes to come as I experiment with this new ingredient.