Sofie Desforges-Bell | Acupuncture | Blog | Energy Medicine | Naturopathic Medicine
Acupuncture is based in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TMC). It is one of the many modalities that I now use in my practice to treat patients in a holistic manner.
Sofie Desforges-Bell | Blog | Mental Health | Naturopathic Medicine | Wellness Tips
As we transition into the cooler weather and shorter days of the fall season, some of us may feel the effects on our overall well-being. Lower mood, increased worry and irritability, fatigue, difficulty concentrating and changes in appetite, are a few of the many symptoms you might be experiencing right now. This seasonally induced depression is called Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Sofie Desforges-Bell | Blog | Naturopathic Medicine | Nutrition | Wellness Tips
To maintain healthy-looking skin, you need to ensure you take in the right nutrients and that you maintain good gut health. Here are some of my favourite nutrients to help heal your skin naturally.
Sofie Desforges-Bell | Blog | Naturopathic Medicine | Nutrition
When it comes to the gut-skin connection, the first step is to heal the gut. By removing the inflammatory foods from your diet and adding in some healing foods, you can support the healing of the skin from the inside out. In the case of acne, there are some main culprits that are working against you.
Sofie Desforges-Bell | Blog | Mental Health | Naturopathic Medicine | Wellness Tips
A few years ago, in my second year of my naturopathic medical studies at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, my face started to erupt with severe cystic acne. It covered both of my cheeks, was very red and inflamed. Not only was this physically painful but it also took a toll on my mental health and confidence.
Lyne Desforges | Blog | Mental Health | Movement & Exercise | Nutrition | Wellness Tips
Did you know that your skin is the largest organ in your body? Getting that healthy skin entails a lot more than spending money on facials and expensive skin care products. Your overall diet and lifestyle are also important factors in maintaining healthy and vibrant skin.