Reflexology & Massage Therapy
Reflexology is a complementary therapy based on the principle that different points, or reflexes, on the feet and hands correspond with specific areas of the body. By stimulating these points, we can help improve your mood, release tension in your body, enhance your sleep, and generally promote a sense of wellbeing and relaxation.
Reflexology treats the whole body and is suitable for people of all ages, even babies and children. Many benefits are felt from people with both chronic conditions and those in good health. It is one of the safest and least invasive complementary therapies available; all that you need to do is remove your shoes and socks.
Reflexology can help manage a host of health issues. The body has the ability to heal itself. Following illness, stress, or injury it can be in a state of “imbalance” and vital systems can be blocked, preventing your body from functioning optimally. Through reflexology, we can help release these blockages; restoring and maintaining your natural balance.
***Packages are available for all Reflexology sessions. Buy 5 and get 1 free. Phone or email us for more information.
Massage Therapy
Registered Massage Therapy is a regulated health profession that focuses on the assessment and treatment of soft tissues and joints. RMT goes beyond just relaxation; it aims to improve physical function, alleviate pain, and promote overall well-being. Our talented RMT Caroline is a licensed practitioner with specialized training in various massage techniques to meet your individual needs.